On time.

Frustration has a way of screwing up my day, plans. and my steps forward. My frustration comes with a whole truck load of garbage. I can be frustrated about something fairly minor, but because I am frustrated that minor moehill somehow becomes a huge mountain that hovers over everything and blocks my view of God.

Today was one of those days. I was frustrated about something  quite trivial. This thing dictated my whole MOOD! It messed up my attitude at work. It messed up my interaction with the kids. My tone was off. I just wanted to be home in my bed, away from any and every one! I wanted to cry. I began to talk to a friend of mine and though his words were true and full of concern, his words were not really registering. I was frustrated and annoyed.

Finally I’m on my way home and another friend hit me up. He was sharing some things about some projects he has and other things. So I gave him a word of encouragement and By golly gee wiz! The words I used to encourage him blessed me in return! I simply shared that “When God shows up and does the UNIMANGINABLE we in turn can look at the insecurities we had and just laugh” Right then and there my whole attitude changed. My whole countenance changed. I Smiled for the first time that day! My mind was at peace and my frustration vanished. It was like God whispered into my heart saying “Laugh at this insecurity Yoline. Laugh, I got your back!”

And this is true of the God I serve. He has my back. He has me surrounded in his Love. He has me covered. I prayed earlier this morning about how I was feeling. He turned everything around in response to my prayer. In his timing. Hmm, I learned that I don’t always have to go to someone for answers. He’ll answer me in His own way. Even if He were to use my own mouth!


on time

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