Pray. Prayer. Praying.

Oh what peace we often forfeit
Oh what needless pain we bear
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer

Right now in this moment. Right this second, these lyrics are making all types of sense. Words swarm my mind as emotions invade my heart. I am not too sure wether I have to throw up or if i want to lay down and cry. Right NOW these lyrics make all the sense to me. The reason why peace evades me. The reason why the weight of this pain is quite unbearable. Let me drive it home; the reason why these tears fall so freely from its ducts. The reason why the breaking of my heart seems louder than any music I could blast in my headphones Is because I have NOT carried dragged it all to God In prayer.

Prayer. Something we all do. It could be in pure desperation, complete joy, heated frustration, fear and or pain. We call out to God because right then and there we need something BIGGER than us. We need something BIGGER than what we are feeling. We need Him. Calling out to HIM makes things better. When I call out to Him and really lay every single emotion I am feeling, everything thought I am thinking, and every frustrated grunt, moan and tear at his feet; I feel better. My situation may not dissapate at that second, but the knowledge that I’ve given everything over to my BIGGER God gives me a soothing peace.

There are times where I’ve forgotten that I prayed about a situation. So I pick the load and burden back up and chug it along in my everyday life. I then find myself at his feet about the same thing I talked to him earlier. Does He get angry and say “Yoline, Stop coming to me about this issue?” No, He reminds me of what He is doing. He reminds me that He listens. He lets me know that He is working in the background. Then I am reassured, comforted again. Today was one of those days. God reminded me to give everything over to him in prayer.

That is what I intend on doing.




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