Talking less. Praying more.

Week two of Proverbs 31 "Keep it Shut' Online bible study is over and we are walking into week three today! Week two was about praying more than we speak.  You know,  saying a quick prayer before we talk about anything?Yea, that! This week I found myself saying nothing at all! I've been praying more …

Broken (Transparency)

This blog is as real as it gets.. I didn’t think I would ever be the one needing to have declarations written on index cards reminding me of how God thinks of me and who He says I am. Before I continue, I don’t think anything of anyone who does this. There are times we …

Answered Prayers

I've prayed small prayers. Silent prayers. Loud prayers. Secret prayers. Big prayers. Tearful prayers. Angry prayers. Passive prayers. Passionate prayers. Feeble prayers. Faithless prayers. Faith Filled prayers. I’ve prayed  a lot. I’ve prayed a little. I’ve prayed consistently. I even came to a point where I stopped praying and just lived... But to the humans …